Our January General Membership Meeting will be held on Saturday, January 20th, at 10:30 AM.
Agenda for January General Membership Meeting:
10:30 am - Presentation and Resolution In Support of Pursuing Geothermal Energy in Whatcom County – Bellingham Public Utility District Commissioner Christine Grant and Executive Director Chris Heimgartner.
11:00 am - Resolution in support of Rent Stabilization – 40th LD Reps. Alex Ramel and Debra Lekanoff who are cosponsoring a bill for that purpose will join us schedule permitting.
11:30 am - Proposed planks for the 2024 Platform.
Do you have suggestions on planks in the Platform? Let us know before the meeting so that your feedback can be considered. Email us now
The Platform Committee will present sections of the platform to the members for discussion and approval at General Meetings in January and February