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Bylaws of the Whatcom County Democratic Central Committee
Through August 24, 2022

Adopted: July 12, 2000. Amended March 14, 2001; Feb. 11, 2004; Jan. 11, 2006; April 15, 2010; Feb. 21st, 2013; Feb. 18, 2016; April 20, 2017; Feb. 15, 2018; Oct. 9, 2019; March 28, 2020; July 18, 2020; Dec. 5, 2020, Jan. 23, 2021; March 27, 2021; April 23, 2022; Sept. 24, 2022, August 24, 2024.


WE, the Democrats of Whatcom County, State of Washington, believe in the concepts expressed in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America that all power to govern resides with the people. In accordance with the National Charter of the Democratic Party of the United States, we organize and pledge ourselves to promote a truly representative party open to all who support its principles. We further pledge to make every effort to encourage maximum participation in the political process and to protect individual rights, civil liberties, our environment, and social and economic justice for all.



As used in these Bylaws, the noun “meeting” shall mean a gathering of members of the Whatcom Democrats for any purpose contemplated by the Bylaws, including but not limited to, all PCO and membership meetings specified in the Bylaws, state law, local law, or by the Washington Democratic Party, and all meetings of standing, special, and ad hoc committees of the Whatcom Democrats. Such gatherings may be in-person or digital (on-line), at the direction of the Executive Board. All references to a meeting “place” in the Bylaws shall be read to include the virtual “space” created using the on-line application used to create the digital meeting. The on-line application should, to the extent reasonably possible, recreate the functionality of an in-person gathering.

Precinct Committee Officer (PCO): as specified in state law, PCOs are elected by the voters every two years as the base of party democracy and have specific statutory responsibilities. These responsibilities include, but may not be limited to, electing the officers of local party organizations, amending Bylaws, and selecting three nominees to fill any vacancies of state legislative seats in their respective legislative districts. PCOs may also be appointed after reorganization and prior to the next PCO election.


Precinct Captain: Precinct Captains, appointed in accordance with Art. III, Sec. 4.1.6, have electoral responsibilities, but no statutory responsibilities. They organize volunteers and coordinate outreach within their assigned precinct. As they have no statutory responsibilities, they may be appointed in precincts in which they do not reside. They may also supplement PCOs in the precinct in which they reside, when the PCO does not assume electoral responsibilities for whatever reason.


ARTICLE I: Name and Purpose

Section 1: Name

The Whatcom County Democratic Central Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Central Committee), is the functioning body of the Whatcom County Democratic Party.

Section 2: Purpose

The Central Committee shall:

  1. Conduct all business of the Whatcom County Democratic Party.

  2. Raise and disburse funds in the name of the Party, administered by the Executive Board and Finance Committee.

  3. Promote the election of Democrats to office through campaign-support activities administered by the Executive Board and Campaign Committee.

  4. Provide political information to the public through a variety of venues.

  5. Conduct a convention of democrats of Whatcom County every even-numbered year to adopt the Platform. This convention may be held by means of a video and audio conferencing application (such as Zoom) that simulates the functionality of an in-person convention.

  6. Promote the values of the Democratic Party, including those in the County Platform and Resolutions, and the policy priorities set forth therein.

  7. Support local and state Democratic activities.

ARTICLE II: Membership and Dues

Section 1: Open Membership

The Central Committee shall be open to all who support the party and wish to be known as Democrats. All members shall enjoy equal rights, protections and opportunities in all proceedings. Discrimination on the basis of sex, race, age (except where state or federal law precludes participation), religion, disability, sexual orientation or gender identification, economic status or ethnic origin is prohibited in the conduct of Central Committee business.

Section 2: Membership

The membership of the Central Committee shall consist of:

  1. Precinct committee officers (hereinafter referred to as PCOs), elected or appointed, who are duly certified by the County Auditor in accordance with state law.

  2. Precinct Captains, who are registered voters, and reside in Whatcom County.

  3. General members, who are registered voters, residents of Whatcom County and have paid their membership dues to the Central Committee.

  4. Associate members, who are not registered to vote in Whatcom County but have paid their membership dues to the Central Committee. This applies only to persons under 18 years of age and candidates or elected officials whose electoral district includes at least part of Whatcom County.

Section 3: Term of Membership

  1. Except for PCOs and precinct captains, the term of membership shall run for 12 months from the date of enrollment.

  2. The term of membership for PCOs shall coincide with their term of office as specified in state law, or until the PCO resigns or moves out of their precinct, whichever is sooner.

  3. The term of membership for precinct captains shall be from the date of appointment until the next Reorganization.

Section 4: Dues

  1. The amounts and levels of dues shall be reviewed by the Executive Board and ratified by the Central Committee annually.

  2. Special allowances may be given to members residing in the same household, members over the age of 65 years or with limited income, and Associate members under the age of 18 years. Multiple levels of dues may be made available to members wishing to contribute funds above the individual membership dues level.

  3. Members designated as Honored Democrats by the Central Committee will be awarded free lifetime membership in the County Party.

  4. By State law, PCOs are not required to pay dues but are encouraged to do so.


Section 1: Officers

The officers of the Central Committee shall consist of a Chair, First Vice-Chair. Second Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and two State Committee Members of different genders. Officers shall be elected in accordance with procedures set forth herein.

Section 2: Qualifications

  1. Officers must be members of the Central Committee.

  2. Attention shall be given to diversity in the selection of nominees for these offices. In accordance with state law and Washington State Democrats Bylaws, the Chair and First Vice-Chair shall not be of the same gender.

Section 3: Manner of Election and Terms of Office

  1. Officers must be elected pursuant to applicable state law (RCW 29A.80.030) and Art. IV.

  2. At the discretion of the Executive Board a Nominating Committee may be appointed in October of even-numbered years. The Nominating Committee shall report their nominations to the Central Committee at the November meeting. The Nominating Committee, at its discretion, may place one or more names in nomination for each position. Nominations (including self-nominations) also will be accepted from the floor at the November and December meetings, and up to 72 hours prior to the Reorganization Meeting.

  3. Notice of the time and place of the reorganization meeting and the list of candidates recruited by the nominating committee shall be provided to all elected PCOs not less than 10 days prior to the January Reorganization Meeting. The definitive list of candidates shall also be made public to PCOs and the membership 48 hours before the election.

  4. The Executive Board and Nominating Committee shall strive to reach out to the broader Democratic community with an aim for inclusiveness and diversity among our officers and Executive Board members.

Section 4: Duties

All Central Committee officers, along with the other members of the Executive Board, are responsible for effectively meeting the political goals of the Central Committee. Specific duties are as follows:

1. Chair. The Chair shall:

  1. Serve as the presiding officer of all meetings of the Central Committee and of the Executive Board.

  2. Exercise general supervision over the affairs and activities of the Central Committee.

  3. Perform such other activities as usually pertain to the office and as may be ordered by the Central Committee or Executive Board.

  4. Appoint all committee chairs of the Central Committee, subject to the approval of the Executive Board.

  5. Nominate all voting members of the Central Committee’s Standing and Special Committees in consultation with committee chairs, subject to confirmation by the Executive Board.

  6. Nominate or remove Precinct Captains, subject to confirmation by the Executive Board. Removal of a Precinct Captain by the E-Board would be for misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance.

  7. Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees, except the Nominating Committee, with voice and vote.

  8. Assume responsibility of calling special meetings.

  9. Appoint, with the advice of the Executive Board, PCOs to fill vacancies which exist or occur following the biennial election of PCOs. To maintain fairness, the Chair shall refrain from making PCO appointments within 30 days prior to scheduled voting on changes to the Bylaws or for filling a vacancy in the Central Committee officer positions.

  10. Provide timely media response.

  11. Encourage communication between committees and within membership.

  12. Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees.

2. Vice-Chairs. The Vice-Chairs shall:

  1. Perform the duties of the Chair in his/her absence, as designated by the Chair.

  2. The First Vice Chair (and in the absence of the First Vice Chair, the Second Vice Chair) shall assume the Chair's duties in the event of resignation or the inability of the Chair to serve, until such vacancy is filled by a special election.

  3. Perform any other duties as directed by the Chair or the Executive Board.

3. Secretary. The Secretary shall:

  1. Take, report and maintain an official copy of the minutes of the Central Committee and Executive Board meetings.

  2. Maintain an official copy of the By-Laws and all amendments, and an official copy of all Standing Rules of the Central Committee.

  3. Obtain, maintain, and have available at every meeting a list of PCOs and paid members in order to verify voting eligibility.

  4. Carry on correspondence of the Central Committee as directed by the Chair and/or Executive Board.

  5. Maintain a copy of all correspondence as a permanent record.

4. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall:

  1. Receive and provide receipts for all monies on behalf of the Central Committee, and make payments for approved expenditures.

  2. Maintain an accurate accounting of all income and expenditures, and provide a monthly balance sheet and income statement for review by the Central Committee and Executive Board.

  3. Prepare and submit to the Executive Board annual financial reports.

  4. Prepare and file reports in accordance with Public Disclosure Commission (PDC) rules and regulations.

  5. Prepare and maintain a permanent copy of all correspondence and reports pertaining to the office of Treasurer.

  6. Provide for data input the correct names, addresses and phone numbers of paid members of the Central Committee.

  7. As concerns campaign contributions, ensure that no expenditures shall be made until funds have been deposited in the Whatcom Democrats bank accounts, and ensure that 10% of funds raised shall be dedicated to the Whatcom Democrats general fund.

5. State Committee Members. The State Committee Members shall:

  1. Represent at the State level the interests of the Whatcom County Democratic Party.

  2. Attend State meetings and report the happenings to the Central Committee.

  3. Be prepared to serve on State committees upon appointment by the State Chair.

  4. Regularly communicate with the state committee persons of the legislative districts within Whatcom County to develop coordinated positions which will support the platforms and policies of the Whatcom County and legislative district Democratic parties.

Section 5: Conflicts of Interest

The Chair of the Central Committee is prohibited from accepting anything of value, including but not limited to paid employment, from candidates who are eligible for Whatcom Democrats endorsement. This prohibition does not extend to attendance at campaign events that offer food or drink. The Chair is also prohibited from endorsing or making donations to candidates while they can still be considered for endorsement, provided that the Chair shall not be prohibited from donating to their own campaign.

Section 6: Vacancies and Removals.

  1. A Central Committee officer or Executive Board member may resign by submitting written notice to the Chair (or to the Vice-Chair in the case of resignation of the Chair).

  2. A vacancy in the Central Committee officers shall be filled promptly by election, after giving PCOs at least 10 days notice.

  3. By a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the PCOs present and voting at a special meeting called for the purpose, any of the seven elected Central Committee officers may be removed from office for misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance. Nonfeasance shall include, but not be limited to, more than two consecutive unexcused absences or more than six total absences in a twelve-month period of regular and special meetings of the Executive Board. The officer subject to removal shall be given at least ten days’ notice of the reasons for their removal being sought and of the date of the regular or special meeting at which the vote on their removal is scheduled. This officer shall have the right to appear and speak at such meeting.

ARTICLE IV: Voting Procedures

Section 1: General Voting

All members of the Central Committee are entitled to vote on all matters which come before the body, except as specified in Article IV, Section 2.

Section 2: Election of Officers and Bylaws

  1. Only elected PCOs are eligible to vote for Central Committee officers at the biennial reorganization meeting, in accordance with state law.

  2. Only elected PCOs and appointed PCOs who currently reside within their precinct are eligible to vote on changes to the Bylaws or on vacancies in Central Committee officer positions subsequent to the reorganization meeting (per Washington State Democrats Bylaws Art. VIII (B) and state law).

  3. When a person votes as a representative, open ballots shall be used. This provision does not apply to the election by PCOs of organizational officers, provided that there is a mechanism to ensure the eligibility of those who cast ballots (e.g. a check-off list, sign-in sheet, ballot receipts).

  4. Only one person may be elected to each office (Washington State law and Washington State Democrats rules do not permit multiple occupants, such as co-chairs).

Section 3: Endorsement of Candidates

  1. The members of the Central Committee reserve the right to endorse candidates for public office and ballot measures in the name of Whatcom County Democrats.

  2. Rules for the conduct of endorsement voting and eligibility for endorsement shall be adopted by the Central Committee. In any case, the rules shall not be amended within 60 days of an endorsement vote.

  3. Endorsements shall be made by votes of the Central Committee taken either by ballot at an in-person meeting or through a secure online voting system.

Section 4: Verification

  1. The Secretary shall verify those persons who are eligible to vote.

  2. Procedures shall be utilized to ensure that only eligible voters cast ballots.

ARTICLE V: Central Committee Meetings

Section 1: Participation

Any individual may attend any meetings of the Central Committee and shall be entitled to speak, subject to the rules of the meeting.

Section 2: Regular Meetings

Meetings of the Central Committee shall be held monthly at a time and place advertised at least ten days in advance. When meeting times or places are changed without prior notice to the membership, no official action may be taken.

Section 3: Special Meetings

  1. Special meetings may be called by the Chair or by the Executive Board. A special meeting also must be called upon receipt of a petition signed by twenty percent (20%) of the existing PCOs.

  2. Notice of special meetings shall be given to members ten days prior, except during declared public emergencies. Notice of special meetings must state the time, place and purpose for which called, and no other business shall be transacted.

Section 4: Quorum

A quorum of the Central Committee shall consist of 5 percent of the membership or 40 members who are eligible to vote, whichever is greater. A quorum of PCOs shall consist of 20% of existing PCOs, except as otherwise noted in the bylaws.


ARTICLE VI: Resolutions

Section 1: Purposes

Any member may bring resolutions to the Central Committee for adoption, for these and other reasons:

  1. To adopt a position that is not covered in the current County Platform, or is in conflict with the current County Platform;

  2. A member has proposed the resolution to the Executive Board and disagrees with their decision;

  3. The Executive Board believes the issue is of sufficient importance as to warrant adoption by the membership; or,

  4. The resolution relates to the powers of the Central Committee not delegated in these Bylaws to the Executive Board.

Section 2: Introduction of Resolutions

Resolutions involving public policy issues must be submitted by a member to the Issues and Advocacy Committee fact checking, formatting, clarity, and conciseness, as well as substantive changes in collaboration with the sponsor(s) prior to first reading to the Central Committee. Proposed resolutions require at least four days public notice posted on the Whatcom Democrats website. Shorter resolutions are generally more effective, but in no case may a resolution exceed 2,500 words, not including footnotes.

Section 3: Voting on Resolutions

Only members in good standing may vote on resolutions, according to the same rules as govern endorsements. A resolution may be passed by a simple majority of those present and voting, at a subsequent meeting after the first reading. A two-thirds (2/3) majority of those present and voting is required to pass a resolution at the same meeting at which it is introduced.

The Executive Board is responsible to the Central Committee for long-term operational and political planning for the Central Committee.


ARTICLE VII: Executive Board

Section 1: Membership

All members of the Executive Board must become and remain members of the Central Committee. The Executive Board shall consist of the following:

  1. The officers of the County Central Committee.

  2. One representative from each legislative district committee having jurisdiction within Whatcom County. The legislative district representative shall be selected according to each legislative district's rules.

  3. The Chair of each County standing committee. In keeping with Washington State Democrats practice, there will be no co-chairs.

  4. A representative from  the Young Democrats of Western Washington University, the Whatcom Democratic Labor Alliance, and any other organization which advocates and works to fulfill the principles of the Democratic Party, upon recognition and acceptance of the Central Committee.

  5. Establish and conform the numbering and lettering of the Bylaws, Platform, Endorsement Policy, and similar documents of the Whatcom Democrats, provided that this shall not alter the meaning of any part of the documents.

Section 2: Executive Board Meetings

  1. The Executive Board shall meet at a regular time and place, made known to the membership, except during declared public emergencies (See Art. V.3.2).

  2. Any member may attend meetings of the Executive Board, and shall be entitled to speak, subject to the rules of the meeting.

  3. The actions of the Executive Board shall be recorded by the Secretary and copies shall be distributed to the Executive Board, and made available to members at their request and at the office.

Section 3: Duties

The Executive Board shall:

  1. Ensure development and promotion of the goals of the Whatcom County Democratic Party.

  2. Monitor the daily corporate functions of the Central Committee.

  3. Develop and approve an annual budget.

  4. Establish controls and monitor expenditures of the Executive Board and Central Committee officers and committees.

  5. Designate and authorize those persons permitted to disburse Central Committee funds.

  6. Designate the depository for Central Committee funds.

  7. Approve nominations of committee chairs and voting members of Standing, Special and ad hoc Committees proposed by the Central Committee Chair.

  8. Establish special purpose ad hoc committees that shall sunset when their tasks have been completed.

  9. Recommend to the Central Committee for approval the bestowing of special recognition as an Honored Democrat on any member whose long service and dedication has been an outstanding example to the Party.

  10. Recommend to the Central Committee for approval the bestowing of special recognition as an Honored Democrat on any member whose long service and dedication has been an outstanding example to the Party.

  11. Be responsible for establishing administrative procedures and controls for the Central Committee.

Section 4: Conflicts of Interest

Members of the Executive Board who are on a campaign committee or acting as a formal consultant or advisor to a campaign must disclose that involvement to the Executive Board, and recuse themselves from any relevant discussions and votes.

Section 5: Removal

By recommendation of the Chair and a majority vote of the Executive Board, an appointed member of the Executive Board may be removed from office for misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance. Nonfeasance shall include, but not be limited to, more than two consecutive unexcused absences or more than six total absences in a twelve-month period of regular and special meetings of the Executive Board. The member subject to removal shall be given at least five days’ notice of the reasons for their removal being sought and of the date of the regular or special meeting at which the vote on their removal is scheduled. This member shall have the right to appear and speak at such meeting.


ARTICLE VIII: Committees

Section 1: Standing Committees

The standing committees will be made up of Central Committee members. Committee members shall disclose any conflicts of interest to the Committee Chair and to the other Committee members. Conflicts of interest include, but are not limited to: being a candidate for office (except for PCO), being closely related to a candidate, being in a long-term relationship with a candidate. Committee members with a conflict of interest shall recuse themselves from discussions and voting on matters where their conflict of interest exists.

Members may request to attend committee meetings by contacting the committee chair prior to the meeting and may speak subject to the rules of the committee. Each committee will develop and maintain its policies and procedures. Standing committee duties are:


  1. Finance Committee:

    1. Propose and monitor the Central Committee's annual budget.

    2. Assume responsibility for the Central Committee fundraising.

  2. Issues and Advocacy Committee:

    1. Develop programs to inform and educate Central Committee members on democratic issues and objectives, as defined in the County Platform and adopted resolutions.

    2. Identify and introduce resolutions for discussion and disposition by the Central Committee.

    3. Plan and recommend effective steps for members to follow with regards to each resolution.

    4. Coordinate a Rapid Response Team to notify local Democrats of time-sensitive opportunities to participate in actions and public comment consistent with our Platform, resolutions, and endorsements.

    5. Perform duties as delegated in the Candidate and Ballot Measure Endorsement Process.

  3.  Candidates Committee:

    1. Identify and/or recruit individuals interested in seeking public elected office.

    2. Determine individual's positions on matters addressed in the Whatcom Democrats Platform and Resolutions.

    3. Encourage candidates to endorse and support the platform of the Whatcom County Democrats.

    4. Perform duties as delegated in the Candidate and Ballot Measure Endorsement Process.

    5. Provide information on establishing a campaign to members who are interested in running.

  4.  Campaign Committee:

    1. ​Provide assistance to the candidates, in accordance with the Candidate and Ballot Measure Endorsement Process.

    2. Establish and execute a written campaign plan, including, without limitation, hiring, firing and supervising staff and volunteers and recommending to the E-Board the renting of such facilities as needed to carry out the campaign plan. The outline of the campaign plan shall be approved by the Executive Board. The campaign plan may prioritize races and candidates as approved by the Executive Board.

    3. Raise and spend campaign contributions, provided that no expenditures shall be made until funds have been deposited in the Whatcom Democrats bank accounts, and provided further that 10% of funds raised shall be dedicated to the Whatcom Democrats general fund.

    4. Evaluate requests for and recommend allocation of Central Committee campaign funds to individual candidates and ballot measures.

  5. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee:

    1. Develop projects and initiatives aimed toward improving inclusion and diversity in the membership and leadership of the Whatcom Democrats.

    2. Propose and maintain a diversity, equity, and inclusion action plan.

    3. Work with the Outreach, Communications, and Issues and Advocacy Committees to build community partnerships toward increased diversity, ensure that related issues and activities are publicized to the general membership, and ensure adequate representation of issues related to equity and social justice in the local party platform.

  6. Communications Committee:

    1. Develop and maintain communication systems within the party, including but not limited to newsletter, web site, and email lists.

    2. Assist Central Committee and its standing committees with publicity.

    3. Implement process for making available to members, the latest information about Executive Board and standing committee activities and party documents.

    4. Advise the Chair in developing media statements.

  7. Membership Committee:

    1. Work to increase the membership of the Central Committee

    2. Provide updated list of PCOs and paid members to Secretary prior to each Central Committee meeting.

  8. Outreach Committee:

    1. Coordinate and facilitate membership participation in community events.

    2. Identify potential allies and constituents for purposes of collaboration; and coordinating with Chair, Campaign, and Candidates committees.

  9. Technology Committee:

    1. Coordinate data requirements and data entry to the Central Committee computer with Central Committee officers and committees.

    2. Manage local databases and interface with state databases.

    3. Provide technical assistance and recommendations for selection and use of hardware, software and other office machinery.

    4. Provide technical assistance to other committees and officers on use of data resources.

    5. Provide technical assistance as needed for official web site and email lists.


Section 2: Special Committees

The Chair, with the approval of the Executive Board, shall appoint from time to time such special committees as are necessary to conduct the business of the Central Committee, or are prescribed elsewhere in these Bylaws. Special committees will be made up of Central Committee members.

  1. The Auditing Committee will:

    1. Report audit results to the Central Committee in writing.

    2. Annually audit the books of the Central Committee.

  2. The Bylaws Committee will:

    1. Review the Central Committee Bylaws every two years.

    2. Propose changes to the Central Committee.

  3. The Platform Committee will:

    1. Develop and publish a written plan for creating the proposed platform to be presented at the biennial county convention.

    2. Develop the proposed platform using inputs from precinct caucuses, open meetings of specialized platform subcommittees, and other Democratic sources. Except for the committee Chair, participants in the platform development process need not be members of the Central Committee.

    3. Assure that the platform will be clearly written and well-organized before being presented.

  4. The Nominating Committee: See Article III, Section 3.

  5. The Honored Democrats Committee will:

    1. Identify criteria for recognizing Honored Democrats.

    2. Identify all past Honored Democrats.

    3. Suggest ways for Honored Democrats to be acknowledge


ARTICLE IX: Bylaws and Standing Rules

Section 1: Amendments

These Bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Central Committee provided that the proposed amendment has been read at a prior regular meeting. PCOs will be provided with a copy of the proposed amendments and sent a reminder of the time and place of the meeting at least 10 days prior to the meeting. A two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Precinct Committee Officers present and voting is required to amend the Bylaws.

Section 2: Standing Rules

The Central Committee may adopt ordinary resolutions of a permanent nature, known as Standing Rules, to further define and prescribe policies and procedures as necessary to execute its powers defined in these Bylaws.


ARTICLE X: Robert's Rules

The current edition of Roberts Rules of Order, Revised, shall govern all questions of procedure not covered in these Bylaws, provided that, whenever resolutions are favorably reported to the Central Committee by the Issues & Advocacy Committee, neither 1) the “Motion to Lay on the Table” (indefinitely postpone), nor 2) the Motion to “Move the Previous Question”, sometimes abbreviated “Call the Question”, and similar Motions that have the effect, if adopted, of stopping debate and placing the main motion under debate before the meeting for a vote, shall not be in order until the number of speakers pro and con set by the Chair has been exhausted.

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